The Route So Far - Google Maps

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We are doing this ride to raise money for Research Autism. We are aiming to raise £20,000.
We are supporting Research Autism because my cousin Jamie is severely affected by the disease, and I have seen its effects not only on him but on the whole family." He is 13yrs old, but cannot yet talk.
Just take a moment to imagine not being able to talk.
Imagine understanding everything going on around you, but not being able to comment.
Imagine having to be dressed every morning in clothes you don't choose, and then hurting your parents as you try to tell them you wanted the blue shirt today.
Imagine being swamped by having to hear everything that everyone is saying around you, and not being able to listen to just one thing at once. Jamie loves being in a swimming pool, just floating, legs held motionless by the weight of the water, while he keeps his ears underwater to just relax, hearing nothing.
He understands everything - he appears to have a photographic memory - but can’t get his thoughts out.
Frustration leads to despair, and anger, which is just one of the many things that his family has to deal with.
He has extremely specific eating requirements and requires round the clock supervision. Jamie is at the severe end of the autistic spectrum, but given that one in 100 people suffer from the disease (with varying severity), and that everyone has some autistic traits, it is shocking that so little is known about it'.
Click here to support our cause and donate to Research Autism.
Read the "Meet Jamie" post - the only post in February, for more information about Jamie, and a poem - painstakingly slow for Jamie to type, but ultimately incredible.

Photo Video - New York to St Louis

May 15, 2010

Finally arrived in St Louis!

The last day before a rest day, especially a 3 day break, is always going to be tough. Not because the terrain or we are really tired but mainly because we have the knowledge that come the end of the day, we have a nice comfy bed and we can get out of the cycling shorts and stay out of them!(for a little while at least)

So the morning went very slowly. It was one of those moments where i thought that the odometer was going to start clocking back the miles. Anyway we did stop for a spot of lunch at an 'Arbys', where we got given another donation and someone wanted our photo taken with them, which is always nice.

As soon as we reached the outskirts of the city, the ride became far more pleasurable, as we saw the huge gateway arch of St Louis approaching(195 metres tall and wide). As we crossed over the Mississippi, also crossing the state line into Missouri we went over Eads bridge, which was the first bridge to use steel as its primary structural material(a little fun fact for the day). We took some great photos next to the arch and then headed over to the bike shop. I have left my bike there over the weekend so hopefully come Monday it will be all sorted and one less thing to have to worry about. Tom, Will's aunt's husband, has kindly offered to let us stay with him over the next few days. Will an I were discussing today, how actually, we are probably more mentally tired than physically, as we are constantly having to think about our next move: directions, where to eat/drink, where to stay, maintenance of the bikes, looking out for cars...all sorts of things. So it will be really nice over the next few days to give our brains a good rest too!

1 comment:

  1. Great that you have made it to St Louis on your weak spokes! 3 days rest must be a real treat
