Yesterday started out as a bit of a disaster, as about 300m from the house Will's chain popped off, just like mine did which has caused all my problems, and completely screwed up the back wheel, breaking lots of spokes in the process. So back to the bike shop we went. It appears all of our chain/spoke problems occur as a result of having a bent derailleur. After a lengthy wait whilst Will's wheel was fixed, we finally set off, away from St Louis at about 2pm.
There has been a lot of rain in the past few days, so there were a few interesting moments(as my title would suggest) where we were at least in a foot of water on the cycle path. Very Amusing. Anyway having pioneered a new water sport of 'water biking', we crossed the Missouri River and cycled roughly 45 miles on the 'Katy trail', which was like riding down a toe cars, completely flat, great weather = perfect. We arrived to our camping spot quite late as a result of the delay in the morning, which was situated next to a baseball pitch, where a game was occurring. All i can say is that cricket is definitely a far better game!
Today we set off nice and early with the intention of riding 85 miles to Jefferson city, Missouri. The 25 miles we did on the Katy trail passed quickly and we turned off the trail back onto the roads. As we came into Hermann at roughly 12 another spoke problem! ANOTHER spoke broke on Will's rear wheel. We were lucky that in Hermann there was a bike shop, so we got it mended quickly. In the morning we set out into glorious sunshine but the weather turned dramatically in the afternoon. Rain and lots of it. Nevertheless we have reached Jefferson city and have treated ourselves to a motel. Setting up a tent in the pouring rain, already soaking wet surprisingly did not appeal! We have got just over 140 miles to Kansas city which we hope to reach in two days time, so not too a hard day tomorrow. Total miles done=1462.
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